A Life Group is a home gathering made up of 8-15 people who meet weekly to care for one another, discuss Sunday sermon Scriptures/Topics and pray together. A trained leader and host lead each group.
Every September and January we launch a new Life Group with new members and new leaders. However, sometimes existing groups are looking for new members. See our "Find a Group" page here to find a group.
Each group meets at different times and locations. Click here to find a Life Group that fits your schedule.
We ask that all new Life Group members commit to a minimum of 3 meetings. If you sign up for a group and decide it’s not a good fit for you, let us know and we can help you find another group.
Most of the studies are based on the previous weekend’s message. An emphasis in the discussions are not on more information or restudying the sermon passages but rather in applying the truths that were shared.
Imagine the weekend message as a presentation of Scripture, and the Life Group as a lab where you get to roll up your sleeves and discuss how the weekend’s message works in real life. We ask that prior to each gathering that you would have watched the sermon to be discussed and come prepared to engage in discussion.
Life Groups are for adults (Exceptions can be made for nursing newborns). We leave it up to each family to work out their own childcare. Sometimes it works best for families to share a sitter or to swap childcare with another family whose Life Group meets on a different evening. However, for further information please connect with your potential Life Group leader.
Yes, our Jr. High (grades 6-8) and Sr. High (9-12) ministries both offer Life Groups for students. Although these groups are not included in this publication, they are very important to our church.
For more information about our youth programs click here.
A Life Group is similar in function to what we used to call small groups. However, our Life Groups discussions center around how to apply the Sunday morning sermons at Bethany. A Life Group is more than just a weekly or bi-weekly program. A Life Group reflects the care, discussion and prayer so prominent within the homes of the early church.
A Life Group meeting consists of time spent connecting with other members, food (of course there will be food), study and discussion of the previous message, and finally peer care or prayer both within the Life Group time and outside of regular meetings.